Eltzam is a secure cloud-based platform that simulates compliance audits for healthcare organizations. With an is easy to use and 24/7 available service you can quickly manage your documents and easily track all the information. Users get real time notifications of document expiry, ongoing audits and pending tasks. So everyone remains focused on their real job improving the quality of the medical center. Also, if your internal audit process require too much time for meetings to collect and process information, Eltzam can help. It reduces the need for manual follow up and ensures that the audit process smoothly follows across departments and employees.

Platform explanation
Eltzam is a collaboration platform that facilitates and eases the compliance of healthcare facilities to obtain CBAHI certification.
Eltzam is a secure cloud-based platform that simulates compliance audits for healthcare organizations.
Eltzam will reduce the efforts of the coordinator to collect, organize, manage, and main the validity of the documents required to obtain CBAHI accreditation.
Using Eltzam, you can visualize and monitor the progress of all ongoing Audits across teams, track progress, identify pending tasks, and follow up with the task owners.